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    Terms and Conditions of Use

    Welcome to the website of Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio . In thanking you for visiting our pages, we take this opportunity to point out that access to the Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio Website and the use of the services and content provided through them, are activities regulated by these General Conditions of Use (hereinafter also “General Conditions”) which, to allow you a smoother reading, we present to you in the form of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).

    We remind you that by accessing our site, and/or using even one of the Services provided through them you confirm that you know and accept the General Conditions as published on this page. If you feel that you do not accept them, please do not access or use the content and services offered through our site.


    For clearer and easier reference, we thought we would provide below a glossary of the terms most frequently used on this page.

    a) Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio by Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio (hereinafter also “Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio “): means the operator of the site and the domains and sub-domains registered for each of the trademarks of Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio , including but not limited to XXXXXXXXXX. Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio is also the owner of the domains, owner of the Site, Services and Content delivered through them, manager and/or owner of the infrastructure all, IT and otherwise, supporting the same;

    b) Site: means the web portal attributable to Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio , consisting of the set of Services and Content made available to Users who consult them;

    c) Services: represents the set of activities and operations that Users can perform with respect to the Content made available through the Site;

    d) Content: means, by way of example and not limited to, the texts, documents, audio-video materials, information, graphic elaborations, photographs and/or images, illustrations, drawings, logos, works and any other type of material of original creation or reproduced, published on the Site or sent through them, including the software, the logic of operation of the site , menus, web pages, layouts, graphics and colors.

    (e) User: means the users of the Site and the Services provided through them.


    If you would like to stay informed of the updated Terms and Conditions, we suggest that you periodically consult this page. This will allow you to check if any changes or news have occurred since your last consultation of the Site. Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio , in fact, whenever it modifies, in whole or in part, the General Conditions, it will make the updated versions available to you by posting them on this page.


    Unless specifically authorized, the contents and Services of our site are normally intended for personal use. This means that if, for example, you consult the pages, download product information, etc., you will be required to perform these operations as a person acting for uses unrelated to any commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity. However if the Service you use is among those that allow you to make purchases, in this case you may use the Service itself for both personal and professional use.
    This means that you are free to make purchases through our site both for purposes unrelated to your commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity, if any, and in the exercise of the same.


    When you access our site and its Content and Services you agree, in particular, to:
    – browse and use Sites and Services at your free and complete discretion and under your total and exclusive responsibility;
    – not to use them to pursue illegal purposes or commit illegal activity;
    – not to use them in such a way as to disrupt, damage or impair their efficiency and operation in whole or in part;
    – to acknowledge Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio as exempt from any liability with regard to any damage occurring to your and/or third parties’ computers and other equipment or data stored on the same, without prejudice to any liability for fraud and gross negligence attributable to Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio ;
    – to hold Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio and its related parties harmless from any liability whatsoever for conduct engaged in by you while using the Site and Services,
    – recognize Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio exempt from any liability for losses, or damages related in any way to the use and operation of the Site, including without limitation, damages resulting from suspension, interruption, failure to operate and/or inaccessibility to the Site and the Services, consequential damages as a result of the transmission on the User’s computer of any viruses and harmful materials, damages for loss of business, loss of profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and/or any other type of pecuniary loss, except in cases of damages caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence;
    – state that they know and accept that Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio does not guarantee about the accuracy and completeness of the Content and does not guarantee that the Site, Services, and Content will always be provided without interruption, on time, and securely;
    – agree that Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio does not guarantee that any material errors in the Content and Services provided through the Site will be corrected promptly.


    The images, photographs and any representation present on the Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio Site are for illustrative purposes only. Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio constantly takes measures to ensure that the photographs shown on the Site are faithful reproductions of the original products, also resorting to the adoption of every possible technological solution to minimize inaccuracies. Nevertheless, some variations in the display of the images are always possible, attributable to various causes, including technical ones, and sometimes due to the technological characteristics of color resolution with which the computer you are using is equipped. Consequently, Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio cannot be held responsible for any inadequacy of the graphic representations of products shown on the Site due to the aforementioned technical reasons.


    If you are under 18 years of age, you can freely browse our site. What you cannot do is use the Services that require registration or the provision of data and information. Registration and use of the services made available through the Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio Site is permitted exclusively to those over the age of 18. No one under this age threshold should register atil Site or use the services made available through them, except in cases where the minor has previously obtained the consent of a parent or legal guardian. In all cases in which you access and use even one of the Services requiring registration or the provision of data and information provided through the Site, you warrant to us that you are of legal age (18 years old) and have the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts.
    When browsing the Internet you see or are asked for information that you do not understand or are unclear about always ask your parents for help.
    Remember: this always applies, not only to Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio , but to all the Site you visit on the Internet.


    Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio , is the exclusive owner or licensee of the current and future registered logos and trademarks, such as but not limited to Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio and any other distinctive signs that include their related words, including the related domain names registered for each of the trademarks and Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio.
    Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio reserves the right to make exclusive use of its logos, trademarks, and distinctive signs. The Contents and any other material present on the Site and protected by the current regulations on copyright, protection of trademarks and patents and/or other legal provisions, may not be copied, modified, reproduced or otherwise used, except for explicit and express authorization issued in writing by Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio, also as a result of further contractual and negotiation agreements entered into with the User.


    The Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio Site makes use of cookies also issued by third parties. For information about the Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio Site’s policy on the use of cookies , you can consult our Privacy Policy.
    the Site may contain links to other Web sites unrelated to Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio. Please note that such websites are in no way managed or controlled by Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio , which cannot in any way be held responsible for the content and rules on them. These General Conditions are applicable exclusively to the Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio Website and not to other websites that may be consulted by the User through links.


    Some Services provided bythe Site (e.g. forums, blogs, events, contests and thematic initiatives of an extraordinary and temporary nature) allow you to submit and upload Content, such as photos, opinions that by the nature of the Services themselves, are intended for communication and dissemination.
    Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio implements a policy of verification and selection of content and images sent by removing, at its free and unquestionable judgment, from its systems, all images whose content violates the rules set out on this page. In particular, users are required to abide by the prohibition of sending images and content that are illegal and/or abusive, harmful to the rights of others or that violate, or may violate, the right to privacy, intellectual or industrial property rights or other rights of third parties, pornographic and/or sexually explicit, libelous or defamatory, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise reprehensible or offensive, in deference to current legislation and the rules of conduct set out on this page. Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio cooperates with the Public Authorities in all cases in which it is asked to provide the data and/or information necessary to trace the perpetrators of any offenses.
    Below are the principles and rules of behavior that we invite you to observe as a User with respect to sending and uploading content on our site. If you decide to use this particular type of Services you agree to accept and abide by the principles the rules below. If you feel that you do not accept them, please do not send or upload content through the Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio Site.


    – the submission of content is made at your free and complete discretion and under your total and exclusive responsibility;
    – Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio cannot be held responsible for the Content posted by the User and therefore cannot guarantee its completeness, correctness, truthfulness, lawfulness;
    – The publication of opinions sent by the User does not represent the expression of opinions or advice by Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio; in particular, Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio does not recognize the contents of such opinions as its own;
    – Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio may remove, modify, disseminate, communicate and use the Contents sent by the User, who by sending renounces any material and moral right he/she may claim as author with respect to the Contents sent;
    – with the submission the User grants Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio the unlimited right of non-exclusive use, without limitation of means and geographical areas. Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio may therefore, directly or through third parties, use, copy, transmit, extract, publish, distribute, publicly perform, disseminate, create derivative works from, host, index, store, annotate, encode, modify and adapt (including without limitation the right to adapt for transmission by any means of communication) in any form or by any means, current or future, any Content, including audio and video, that should be sent by the User, including through third parties
    – the User who sends images and portraits releases Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio to use such images for the purposes and under the conditions set out in the following General Conditions. In particular, it recognizes to Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio the right to use all or part of the images sent, which may be used, by virtue of this recognized right, as a whole or in individual parts and components, even through editing, cuts and adaptations, without any limitation, without prejudice to the use of the images themselves in contexts that may cause damage to the dignity, reputation and personal decorum of the person concerned and his close relatives.

    The User acknowledges to Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio the right to reproduce, publish, disseminate, communicate, perform and represent in public, in any place and by any means (e.g. internet: projection during public events or at its stores, publication in catalogs and magazines, etc.) of the aforementioned images, recognizing Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio as the sole and exclusive owner of the images and footage, as well as all rights of use and exploitation in any form and by any means present and future. The User renounces, as of the very moment of submission, any right in relation to the foregoing regardless of whether or not the images include representations concerning his/her person;
    – the material posted will not be returned to the User, and will remain the property of Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio which, therefore, will not be liable to the User for the loss or destruction of the material posted;
    – the Services provided by the Site that allow the User to submit and upload Content are intended for personal use;
    The User is required to perform these operations as a person acting for uses unrelated to any commercial, entrepreneurial or professional activity, subject to any specific exceptions expressly indicated.

    Rules of Conduct for the User

    – Use respectful language, taking care not to use violent, offensive or obscene terms and expressions;
    – Refrain from posting Content that is false, offensive, unlawful, defamatory, libelous or obscene, or that is in any way contrary to the law or prejudicial to third parties;
    – not publish Content aimed at spreading political, spiritual or religious ideologies;
    – do not violate the privacy of third parties (e.g. by revealing names and surnames, cell phone numbers or addresses and avoid, in particular, providing personal information about minors under the age of 18);
    – if you send photos, videos of minors under the age of 18 make sure you must have obtained the explicit consent of their parents or guardians;
    – always verify the accuracy of the data included in the Content and always cite the source of texts and/or articles written by someone else. Always ensure that you have complied with the laws in force in Italy regarding patents or other industrial and/or intellectual property rights;
    – always avoid posting hidden or explicit advertising messages.

    How does Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio protect my privacy and data?

    For Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio, people’s privacy is a value. We are especially committed to protecting the privacy of users of our site; if you would like to know how, please see our Privacy Policy.
    Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio adopts security measures and arrangements of a technical and organizational aimed at safeguarding the security of propril Site and the Users who use them. In particular, these measures are oriented to ensure that the information related to its Users is protected from risks of dispersion, destruction, unauthorized access, abuse or uses that do not comply with the law.
    With specific reference to the payment systems available for purchases through the Site, we use systems that comply with the PCI DSS standard regarding the protection of credit card information. No computer files of Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio retain such data. With specific reference to the restricted areas made available to the User, these are subject to registration and subsequent assignment by Piero Calzature di Grementieri Alfiero & Figlio of an access credential consisting of an identification code (UserID) associated with a keyword (Password).
    You can make the most important contribution to the security of your password by observing a few simple precautions:
    – keep your password secret without communicating it to anyone or transcribing it in any way;
    – do not allow anyone else to use it;
    – if you have any doubt that the secrecy of your password has been violated, change it.
    Please remember that for your greater security, your password must be changed every 30 days so that no one else but you can know it.


    These General Conditions are governed by Italian law and will be interpreted accordingly. Any disputes inherent and/or consequent to them shall be settled exclusively by the Italian courts. The competent court for the application of these General Conditions is the Court of Reggio Emilia.
